Thursday, July 29, 2010

Santiago de Compostella

Ultimate satisfaction is knowing that you have just walked approximately 760km by foot over a period of 27 days. Absolutely wild, there is no other way I can describe how amazing it felt to walk into Santiago today and receive my Compostella or certificate acknowledging my trek clear across Spain.

So Just to recap, A is where I started, B is where I am and where most people will call it a trek, but C will ultimately be my final destination. I was originally planning to take the bus for 100km to the coast but I figured, hey I´ve come this far and I have the time so why not go for the full Monty. where am I? (I finally figured out how to put a link properly, lol)

I am beginning to reflect on the time I have spend here, for the most part it has absolutely flown by, you keep blowing through village after village so quickly you can barely remember there names 1 day later. (I call them villages because you can literally have 50 people living there, maybe 75 if you count the chicken and the cows).

The journey has been 2 fold, on the one hand you have my personal time in which I have reflected and thought about my life and what I want from it. You ask yourself common questions like, what is my purpose here? What am I meant to do? And finally how will decision A or B affect the rest of my life?

On the other hand I have thoroughly enjoyed the people I have met. The people on the Camino have been hands down the most generous and giving people I have ever met of anywhere I have ever been (that's no small statement). I will give you an example, One night at a small Albergue (hostel) we were 6 people and decided that we would all cook dinner together (pot luck). An older Australian couple, an older Korean man, a Canadian Lady and myself. the Iranian Illyad, who was a cook in Denmark decided he would cook for all of us and refused to let us help him.  I must say, that is still to date the best meal I have had when on the Camino, I think I instantly gained 2 Kg, ahah.

Overall, the stories and heart ships we have all shared has touched me in a significantly profound way that I believe is a major reason why pilgrims will gain so much from this experience. An overall great experience to say the least.

Until next time


Mizar Fuentes-Ortega said...

Good luck with the rest of your pilgrimage. Its good for the mind... reflect, put things into consideration/perspective. Only you can answer specific questions without lying to yourself... after all you will be the only one fooling yourself!

Take care

Jonathan said...

Very good words of wisdom...Absolutely phenominal for the mind.

Thanks Miz,

Hope you are enjoying the new place..

Anonymous said...

Great perseverence son! But then again, it doesn't surprise me at all. I guess that stubborness as a child is serving you well in life.

Anonymous said...

I second what Mizar said.. and I love what Anonymous said hehe...