Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Paris Conflict

The first leg of my trip has begun with Paris. Two and a half years later I still seem to have this love hate relationship with this city. On the one hand no city can match it's beauty, however the people sometimes leave much to be desired. Not to mention getting around Paris by map is no easy feat...simple roads that cross at 90degrees are nowhere to be can very frustrating when your still jet lagged.

Nonetheless I met up with old exchange friends of mine Caroline and Sebastien. It was great to share a pint 2 1/2 years later. Wild how time flies.. Tomorrow I am off to St-Jean pied du port to begin el Camino de Santiago de Compostella. More on that soon...


Alex said...

Hi Jon!

Glad you made it on one piece!
I share that love/hate Parisian feeling.
The Yea: Beautiful, historic, magical, culturally rich, great food.
The Nay: Stinky , obnoxious, noisy, backwards in thinking, horrible public toilets!

Have a walk in the Jardins de Luxembourg for me :) Beautiful Art Nouveau building on Avenue Rapp...

Alex :D

Jonathan said...

You have good taste...that's one of

Paul said...

So did my phone ring, especially seeing Sebastian & Caroline...?
Call me when you get back.