Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Split, Dubrovnik (Croatia) and Belgrade (Serbia)

How can I really describe the Croatian coast line? It's like the french riviera but a lot more rocky, cheaper and less touristy. Split gave me the impression it was more like Cannes and glamorous. Despite the temperamental weather conditions, it was a great small town with lots of roman ruins to be admired. It felt like you were walking back to ancient Rome. Dubrovnik was interesting because of the castle walls that surrounded old town. Old town was a mix of many different streets that can be impossible to navigate without an excellent sense of direction. They don't call me GPS for nothing, lol. I also took the opportunity to check out a couple of islands while I was there which is part of the attraction. Overall, Croatia had much more to offer then I expected.

Last but not least was Belgrade. Let me begin by saying I had no idea what to expect when travelling to Serbia in general. When I was Budapest I was lucky enough to stay with some friends I made in the hostel. More then anything this gave me a great look at way of life. Typically, Serbs will have two meals a day which are breakfast and lunch. Breakfast is around 11:00am-12:00pm and lunch is from 5:00-7:00pm.

The picture to the above is the family and I getting ready to have breakfast. This was definitely the most filling meal I've had in months.

Also very interesting was the historical aspect of how Yugoslavia war which began in 1991. Given that I was 5 years old (and not a history major) I give myself a pass on being oblivious to the whole situation. Nonetheless, the history lesson was inspirational in order to get an in depth look at the country.

Our breakfast:
The red thing is a mix of roasted peppers. The pink cold cut is ham. The Plate in the top right corner is a type of strudel made with something. I can't tell you what but it was fantastic.

The things that look like three balls of vanilla ice cream are actually a soft cheese. It is made by preparing hot cream. Then once the cream cools, the top solid layer is removed and accumulated to make this cheese. The product is a mix between butter and cheese, absolutely satisfying.

No doubt, a very hardy meal...this definitely gets my personal seal of approval.

I arrived in Thessaloniki Greece yesterday and the weather is less then favorable so it's the perfect time to catch up on some much needed blogging. But on the plus side I did get a ridiculous sunset last night so that made me happy...take a look for yourselves.

Be Well Montreal (I just saw a high of 5 degrees for Sunday, should be a cold Halloween, yikes!)


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